hey, I'm alexis

I'm a designer, artist, and writer based in Richmond, Virginia. During the day I design websites and during the night I study living on them. I hold a B.A. in Graphic Design from VCUarts, focusing on digital spaces and reiteration as republication, and completed a residency at SVA's Design Research, Writing & Criticism program.

My interests stem from examining cultural systems and gender as sieved through digital life, and how we interact with this completely new plane of consciousness made tactile through interfaces. I play in intersections of research based theory and openly disseminated low culture, especially in the context of the internet, “fan” spaces, queer identities, and experimental publishing.

I have written a guest article examining design in webcomic culture, and have been interviewed by DBLTAP about diversity in the visual-novel genre. I'm a part of the SpicyYeti coding community, introducing artists to methods of building their own websites, as well as focusing on issues of accessibility and inclusivity in design practice. I am also the art director for the award winning indie visual novel ValiDate, which raised over $45,000 during it's one month Kickstarter, from over 1,500 individual backers. For more information and CV, reach out me by email or follow me on my publication instagram or my illustration instagram.